


The Nation Address

By Zindi Anthony Levi

September 8, 20205 mins read


I can no- longer remain close mouthed to this sinking ship of the " New Gambia". We need to start by entrusting ourselves in the hands of those who see leadership as a service to the people not for self materialization crusade . We have embraced democracy but I tell you Solemnly we must not act contrary to its principles if not we will defeat the purpose of it all. We Gambians have chosen to be loyal to the political parties and leaders instead of the country. The country is bigger than any individual .Therefore, Gambians should revisit our commitment to national development than Political divisions. The capitalist world (west)will want to see us hate and fight among ourselves especially Africa in broader spectrum, But do we ask ourselves why is this menace so; Why do they want this ? It's simply a distraction to ease their continuous exploitation and never focus on national development. Divide abs conquer has been the oldest trick in the book and we still blindly get played. Gambians we can only start believing in our intellectuals of our generation to lead the way forward or else shall remain doom. Nation have unique features which make it diverse when it comes to advancement. This country considering the size from a geographical and population point of view can develop rapidly. We need to develop public policies and strong institutions that have passed the models for maximum goals . Long term developmental machinery that will be driving force to substantially lead the next generation into the promise land of new Gambian . Then we can label our nation a safe heaven for every human being to call home .

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